Updates on my GSoC project: week 15 of June

From the beginning of the project, we were adding support for cross-compilation for raspberry pi as seen here. Also I have reduced the binary size and continued to add all my work in the same pull request.

We have noticed that the original pull request is hard to review since it contains several commits that are not related to one another. So during the last week, I have cherry-picked commits from my original pull request into two different pull requests. The first pull requests contain the commits that transition from boost program option into CLI11 which can be found here. The second pull request contains the commits that transition from boost serialization into cereal and can be found here.

My focus now is on CLI11 and Cereal, in particular CLI11 which is close to being merged into the master. When CLI11 will get merged we will notice a reduction in compilation time and minor gain in binary size, and one library less to link. I have also created a wrapper to add support for a raw pointer when they are being serialized with cereal, which is not completely finished yet.

As usual, if you want to discuss ideas feel free to catch me on IRC, or leave a comment on these pull requests if you have any opinion on this work

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